Diesel Generators Set Compliances

In the era of globalization the use of diesel generators are being inevitable to industries, factories, commercial establishment, hospitals, educational institution and even in residential buildings etc., as we all know that the world is facing a vast environment and climatic changes, it is our fundamental duty to conserve our environment and ensure safety to all living beings.

In our day to day life we are witnessing mishap and severe pollution all around our nation, one major reasons behind them is the use of DG Sets. Hence it is mandatory to get permission for all types of DG Set. DG SET means Diesel Generator, which an alternator to generate electricity.

The significance of obtaining DG Set permission is to ensure safety of the equipment and abide the pollution standards. Generally DG set are utilized either as Standalone and Standby system. Thus, based on the utilization of a DG Set, the approval/permission/certification of electrical installation authority varies.

In Case of stand-alone DG Set i.e. a system where the generators is the sole source of power, the approval or permission of commission has to be obtained from the respective Pollution Control Board.

In case of Stand-by DG Set i.e. a backup generator, used as an alternate during emergencies like electricity power outage, the approval/permission/certification of electrical installation has to be obtained from the Chief Electrical Inspector of the government (CEIG).

The DG Set owner has to place the request with the electrical inspector of the appropriate government for approval and inspection as per the Central Electricity Authority (Measures Relating to Safety and Electric Supply Regulations, 2010). The commissioning of DG set will happen only upon obtaining appropriate approval or permission or certification by the Chief Electrical Inspector. Once an installation connection is completed, the DG set unit has to be inspected periodically and tested at intervals not exceeding 5 years by the electrical inspector of the state government.

With respect to Mobile DG Set, owner of the mobile DG Set shall register with the Jurisdiction Electrical Inspector. The mobile DG set registration is valid proportionately upto the period of the validity of Registration Certificate (RC) of the vehicle or trailer on which the DG set is mounted.

The document checklist required for DG Set installation approval can be obtained from the respective electrical inspectorate department.

As per the Electricity Rules, every user/ DG Set owner shall maintain daily records, occasional records. The Transfer of ownership of electrical installation can be obtained from the respective Inspector of electrical installation.

In the event of non-compliance, the owner of the DG set will be punished with imprisonment upto 3 months or fine which may extend to one lakh rupees, or both. In case of continuous failure of DG set compliance, an additional fine which may extend to five thousand rupees for every day during which the failure continues after conviction of the first such offence (As per Electricity Act, 2003).

In case, the Genset has been energized without the necessary approval of Inspector, power supply will be discontinued immediately by respective electrical department authorities.

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