Who Needs Factory Compliance Services?

Companies factories, warehouses, manufacturing plants, oil refineries, and other industrial facilities require Factory Compliance Services to ensure adherence to safety, environmental, and quality regulations. All manufacturing companies in regulated industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and electronics, as well as e-commerce & logistics companies managing warehouses, benefit from these essential services.

Our Comprehensive Services

Factory Licenses and Registrations
  • Obtain & amend licenses
  • Factory license renewal
  • Topography Plans & Registration Certificates
  • Statutory Compliance
  • Statutory Registers and Returns
  • Display of statutory abstracts & Notices
  • Remittance of statutory payments
  • Incident and Inspection Support
  • Support for accident-related compliance
  • Support for inspections
  • Consultation
  • Extended support to contractors on a need basis
  • Setting up of Statutory Committees like POSH committees
  • Vendor Compliance
  • Regulate entry and exit of contract labourers and amend Principal Employer RC
  • Ensure accurate payment to workers
  • Preparation & submission of Statutory registers & returns, and PF & ESI Challans
  • Why Do You Need Factory Compliance Services?

    Mitigate Compliance Risks through Simpliance’s GRC platform

    Our services include Simpliance’s Factory Compliance Product suite, designed to:

    Track and monitor compliance tasks

    Gain real-time insights through reports and dashboards

    Manage regulatory changes and eliminate compliance deviations

    Track and monitor compliance tasks

    Gain real-time insights through reports and dashboards

    Manage regulatory changes and eliminate compliance deviations

    End-to-end digitalised attendance monitoring system to capture entry, work hours, and exit of contract workers.

    A centralised, cloud-based system for contractors and principal employers to track attendance, generate statutory registers, process contractor’s payroll and view reports

    With Simpliance, you can ensure your industrial operations remain compliant effortlessly while gaining a comprehensive overview of your compliance status at all times. 

    Book a demo today to see how Simpliance can transform your Factory, Governance, Risk, and Compliance management!

    Frequently asked questions

    Factory compliance refers to ensuring that businesses with warehouses, manufacturing plants, oil refineries, and other industrial facilities adhere to all legal and regulatory standards set by the government. This includes meeting safety, health, environmental, and labour laws to ensure safe working conditions and avoid legal penalties. Maintaining factory compliance is crucial for businesses to operate within legal frameworks.

    The Factories Act outlines various compliance requirements for factories, including but not limited to:

    • Working Hours: Regulates daily and weekly working hours, overtime, and rest periods.
    • Health and Safety: Requires factories to provide safe working conditions, adequate ventilation, lighting, and sanitation.
    • Welfare Measures: Mandates provisions for drinking water, canteens, first aid, and crèches.
    • Employment of Women and Children: Restricts the employment of women and children and specifies their working conditions.
    • Safety Measures: Enforces safety requirements for machinery, hazardous substances, and emergency procedures.
      Maintaining Statutory Documents: Requires factories to maintain records of employees, accidents, and inspections.

    A factory compliance audit is a systematic review of a factory’s operations to ensure they meet legal and regulatory requirements. This audit assesses compliance with labor laws, safety standards, and statutory requirements. Conducting regular factory compliance audits helps identify potential risks and ensures the factory operates lawfully. The audit involves assessing the effectiveness of compliance measures, identifying non-compliance issues, and recommending corrective actions.

    Statutory compliance in a factory refers to the legal obligations that a factory must follow, as outlined by various laws and regulations. This includes ensuring compliance with labor laws, such as minimum wage, working hours, and occupational health and safety standards. Statutory compliance ensures that factories operate within legal guidelines, helping to avoid penalties and legal challenges.

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    “Exceeding customers ‘needs and requirements, we are committed to achieve customer delight,by offering highly knowledge driven services through well-defined processes, customization and professionalism.

    We ensure continual improvement through total employee involvement and knowledge enhancement”