Who Needs Mines Compliance Services?

Mines Compliance Services are necessary for anyone involved in the mining industry, including mining companies, contractors, and individuals who operate in or around mining sites. Compliance with laws and regulations is critical for the safe and responsible operation of mines and for protecting the environment and the health and safety of workers and nearby communities.

Aparajitha, through its Mines Compliance Services, extends expertise and empowers businesses to handle the complex compliance procedures under the Mines Act without any hassles.

Our Comprehensive Services

Registration and Certification
  • Obtain, amend, and renew mining licenses and registration certificates
  • Display of applicable Statutory Abstracts and Notices
  • Statutory Compliance
  • Preparation and updation of Statutory Registers
  • Preparation and submission of Statutory Returns and Notices
  • Payment and Reporting
  • Remittance of statutory payments
  • Preparation and filing of required documents
  • Incident and Inspection Support
  • Inspection- and Accidents-related Compliance Support
  • Compliance support for the Principal Employer as per the scope
  • Consultation and Vendor Compliance
  • Consultation on the constitution of Statutory Committees
  • Regulate entry and exit of contract labourers and amend Principal Employer RC
  • Ensure accurate payment to workers
  • Why Do You Need Mines Compliance Services?

    Mitigate Compliance Risks through Simpliance’s GRC platform

    Our services include Simpliance’s Mines Compliance Product suite, designed to:

    Track and monitor compliance tasks

    Gain real-time insights through reports and dashboards

    Eliminate compliance deviations

    Track and monitor compliance tasks

    Gain real-time insights through reports and dashboards

    Eliminate compliance deviations

    End-to-end digitalized attendance monitoring system to capture entry, work hours, and exit of contract workers.

    A centralised, cloud-based system for contractors and principal employers to track attendance, generate statutory registers, process contractor’s payroll and view reports

    With Simpliance, you can ensure your mining operations remain compliant effortlessly while gaining a comprehensive overview of your compliance status at all times. 

    Book a demo today to see how Simpliance can transform your Mines, Governance, Risk, and Compliance management!

    Frequently asked questions

    Payroll services refer to the management and processing of employee compensation by an external provider or internal HR department. These services include processing salaries as the per company’s pay structure, salary disbursement support, and ensuring compliance with labor laws. Payroll services streamline the payroll process, reduce administrative burdens, and ensure accurate and timely payment to employees.

    • Working Hours: Regulates daily and weekly working hours, overtime, and rest periods.
    • Health and Safety: Requires factories to provide safe working conditions, adequate ventilation, lighting, and sanitation.
    • Welfare Measures: Mandates provisions for drinking water, canteens, first aid, and crèches.
    • Employment of Women and Children: Restricts the employment of women and children and specifies their working conditions.
    • Safety Measures: Enforces safety requirements for machinery, hazardous substances, and emergency procedures.
    • Maintaining Statutory Documents: Requires factories to maintain records of employees, accidents, and inspections.

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    The People Behind Our Success

    “Exceeding customers ‘needs and requirements, we are committed to achieve customer delight,by offering highly knowledge driven services through well-defined processes, customization and professionalism.

    We ensure continual improvement through total employee involvement and knowledge enhancement”