Who Needs Vendor Compliance Services?

Vendor Compliance Services are essential for small and large businesses across various industries including manufacturing, construction, IT, healthcare, and hospitality. These services are particularly critical for companies operating under strict labour laws and regulations related to contract workers. Aparajitha’s Vendor Compliance Services are crafted for all stakeholders, including the principal employer, the contract workforce, and the contractor.

Possible Consequences of Vendor Non-Compliance

Our Comprehensive Services

Vendor Compliance Management
  • Ensure Contractor Compliance in Factories, Establishments, and Greenfield & Brownfield project Sites
  • Offer customised service models for each category of establishments
  • Contract Labour Management
  • Regulate entry and exit of contract labourers for compliance purposes
  • Ensure CLRA (Contract Labour Regulation and Abolition Act) compliance in factories, establishments, and construction sites
  • Statutory Compliance
  • Amendment of Principal Employer Registration Certificates
  • Preparation and maintenance of Statutory Registers for each contractor
  • Handling inspections & notices
  • Statutory Returns and Payments
  • Submission of Statutory Returns for each contractor
  • Ensure EPF/ESI compliance for the contractors
  • Labour Law Compliance
  • Maintenance of records, registers, forms & notices under various legislations
  • Ensure minimum wages and timely remittance of ESIC, EPF, and LWF payments
  • Coordination support for availing benefits from ESIC & EPT
  • Additional Compliance Services
  • Ensure compliance under BOCW Act and ISMA Act
  • Extend accident-related compliance for contract workers
  • Facilitate retirement or terminal benefits for contract workers
  • Why Do You Need Vendor Compliance Services?

    Mitigate Compliance Risks through Simpliance’s GRC platform

    Our services include Simpliance’s Vendor Compliance Product suite, designed to:

    Track and monitor Vendor compliance tasks

    Gain real-time insights through reports and dashboards

    Manage regulatory changes effortlessly

    Track and monitor compliance tasks

    Gain real-time insights through reports and dashboards

    Manage regulatory changes effortlessly

    End-to-end digitalised attendance monitoring system to capture entry, work hours, and exit of contract workers

    A centralised, cloud-based system for contractors and principal employers to track attendance, generate statutory registers, process contractor’s payroll and view reports

    With Simpliance, you can ensure your vendor operations remain compliant effortlessly while gaining a comprehensive overview of your compliance status at all times. 

    Book a demo today to see how Simpliance can transform your Vendor, Governance, Risk, and Compliance management!

    Frequently asked questions

    Vendor compliance refers to the adherence of contractors to applicable labour laws & regulations. It ensures that vendors meet the compliance requirements related to quality, safety & ethics, as mentioned by the law. Effective vendor compliance helps companies maintain operational standards, minimize risks, and prevents exposure to penalties imposed on the principal employer

    Vendor compliance is crucial for:

    • Legal Compliance
    • Risk Management
    • Cost Savings
    • Ethical Responsibility

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    The People Behind Our Success

    “Exceeding customers ‘needs and requirements, we are committed to achieve customer delight,by offering highly knowledge driven services through well-defined processes, customization and professionalism.

    We ensure continual improvement through total employee involvement and knowledge enhancement”