
Starting and operating a business involves adhering to several regulations and obtaining different licenses. The first step to legally starting any business, regardless of size,

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What is NBFC? The Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFC) is a heterogeneous group of financial institutions that perform

The term ‘wages’ has not been defined in The Contract Labour ( Regulation & Abolition

  Health is considered as a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being

The incoming 2(y) vis-à-vis the outgoing 2(h) Finally, the new Code on Wages, 2019 which

On 24th July 2019, the Government of Maharashtra revised the basic rate of minimum wages

What is Flexi Staffing? Flexi staffing is a service for employing people to make them

Compfie, a cloud-based compliance tool which enables the convenience of monitoring and managing organization’s compliance

In my last write, I have narrated some of my ideas about the Code on

What does labour law have to do with information security? On the face of it,

Currently, there are 13 central legislations in India which regulate the Occupational Safety, Health and

What is Overtime? Overtime refers to the period for which an employee has worked more

A brief history of the Factories Act: In India, large scales of factories/ industries were

The concept of compliance is to make sure that the company can obey the statutory

The Apex court’s judgment on PF wages was delivered on 28-02-2019 in a case more

  Yes, of course, it is available. Nowadays cloud computing is an on-demand technology and

The Second National Commission on Labour submitted its report on June 2002 and recommended that

  Simply put Compliance means abiding by rules, set guidelines or norms. Though one can

According to the latest buzz, Employee Provident Fund deduction may increase soon for certain segments

At the centre of any organisation is the human resources (HR) function. The HR department

The economic times ahead do not look promising. Experts are predicting a downturn in financial

Waking up to Data Risks Global news in recent times has tried coming to a

One of the most important and defining processes of an organization is to with payroll.

Regulatory compliance shows up as one of the biggest challenges faced across all industry verticals.

Why Compliance? Businesses are facing the extreme cost and operational pressures as regulatory bodies are

The Indian economy has been on the growth path for the past few decades. This

A dashboard is the first thing you see when you log in to your compliance