List Of Labour Laws For Overtime Work

labour law compliance
What is Overtime?

Overtime refers to the period for which an employee has worked more than their regular working hours. As per the overtime policies in India, the working hours are 7 to 9 hours per day and 48 hours a week. The labour laws in India state that any employee who works at overtime is eligible for remuneration. To know the overtime policies in your company, you can ask the human resource personnel or you can consult with the best compliance management firm.

Now, let’s take a look at some Indian overtime policies

In India, Several statutes regulate overtime, some important legislations are:

Apart from the above, there is certain special legislation(s) with respect to the specific category of workers, which also regulates overtime work.

A sample of such special legislation is listed below:
  • The Building and other construction workers Act
  • The Motor Transport Workers Act
  • The Beedi and Cigar Workers (Conditions of Employment) Act

The normal working hours are prescribed in the respective legislations which ranges from 7 hours to 9 hours per day and 48 hours per week. When an employee is allowed to work for more than the prescribed normal hours, then they are to be paid overtime wages i.e.twice the ordinary rate of wages as per labour laws. However, the total number of hours of overtime work allowed to work by an employee is subject to the limit prescribed in the respective legislations.

If you need legal help regarding violation of any of the legal rights as an employee or an employer, Connect to Aparajitha Corporate Services who have a team of renowned experts to understand the complexities of labour law compliance and Industrial Law Compliance in India. They are knowledge expert from various backgrounds including regulation, compliance, legal, technology, risk management and human resources.

Just email your queries at or contact us to connect with experts for resolving your legal worries.

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